

The PACC auditorium seats 466. The comfortable seating is positioned at floor level and raked to allow for uninterrupted sight lines. Seating on the floor area can be removed to allow for tables and chairs to be set up for dining, cabaret events, conferences and functions. The auditorium is equipped to cater for audience members who may be hearing impaired.

The stage is a Proscenium Arch (5000mm high x 8000mm wide). PACC is a non-fly tower venue, the rigging system is a combination of dead hung masking (a traveller main curtain, mid-stage flat black traveller, upstage flat black traveller and a white cyc). The stage is a flat sprung masonite covered floor painted flat black.

The theatre is equipped to cover professional staging needs. This includes a Meyer sound system, Strand lighting controls, 132 dimmers and Selecon lighting instruments. There are four onstage lighting bars raised and lowered by remote control chain motors, as well as two box trusses (also raised and lowered by chain motors), which provide front of house lighting.

There is a small orchestra pit which if required must have the thrust stage pieces removed. Stairs both Prompt and OPrompt provide access from the stage to the auditorium. There is an accessible lift from the stalls level to the stage located on Prompt.

Please be aware that we do not provide backline and all licensing and copyright requirements are the responsibility of the Hirer. 

Fees and Charges(PDF, 832KB)Seating Plan(PDF, 1020KB)Technical Specifications(PDF, 836KB) | Standard Rig LX Plan(PDF, 5MB)  | Loading Dock Map(PDF, 107KB)




To make a booking, please contact us. The following staged process relates to bookings for both professional and non-professional performance based events:

Stage 1 - First pencil

A hirer may request date/s to be set aside by contacting the centre. The dates set aside will not be released to another client without prior consultation. However, should another client be prepared to go to contract we will ask you to confirm your booking and pay the deposit within 24 hours. If the booking is no longer required, you must notify the centre immediately.

Stage 2 - Second pencil

Hirer confirms booking date/s and a contract will be prepared. A deposit (based on your estimated charges) will be requested. The deposit must be paid within 7 days.

Stage 3 - Confirmed booking

The booking is confirmed when a signed copy of the venue contract and deposit have been received. The completed ticketing information schedule is also required at this time, together with promotional information for online sales. Tickets will be placed on sale 5 working days after the deposit has been paid and the contract and ticketing information have been received by CPAC.